Getting Ready

10 Jun

Hi all! Thank you for the wishes on my last post! We surely had a blast and it was a nice to actually splurge ourselves once in a while.

Today I got up super late (like 9 am?) haha..I guess the cocktail drink I had last night surely had some kick in me. Believe me, I am not a drinker at all.

Since I didn’t feel hungry, I skipped breakfast and just had 2 green tea bags and continued working on my stuff until lunch time. Honestly, my lunch today looked EXACTLY the same as yesterday.

After lunch, I was preparing all the ingredients for my newest recipe experiment: Coconut Lemon Custard Chicken.

Then I continued with whatever I was supposed to do until finally I had enough and did the newest workout from

It was almost dinner time so I kept my Post workout snack small – 2 small slices of sweet potatoes (purple and Japanese) – I put the clothes pin next to them for size comparison (got this idea from Fit Daffy :D) Sometimes it’s hard to imagine the size just by looking at the pictures.

Finally, the chicken was done and this accident happened when I tried to take a picture of the perfectly sliced pieces.

Darn it! I LOST 2 pieces of goodies there! Argh! Believe me, I was quite mad at myself, which made me feel even more stupid. It was actually all my fault for moving the table when the plate was on top of it and I was stupid enough to tilt the table..ARGH!

Anyway, dinner was yummy and small as well.

I realized I still had lots of coconut milk in the fridge and it’s been sitting there for a little while. Good thing it hasn’t gone bad yet and an idea came up. I poured them into my ice cube tray and froze them. 😀 This way the coconut milk will not be spoiled and it would be super easy when I need to use them. Just take out 1-2 cubes or whatever I need. Too bad I can’t consume straight coconut milk, otherwise these would be a perfect coconut milk “ice cream”. 😀

Btw, I’m in the process of transferring this blog to be self hosted. Gosh, seems like it’ll be a long and slow process..not to mention I might have to blog at two places at the same time to save the future trouble. We’ll see!

What’s the clumsiest thing you’ve ever done?

Have a good night!


Posted by on June 10, 2011 in food, life


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3 responses to “Getting Ready

  1. LeQuan

    June 11, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Freezing the coconut milk in the ice tray is a great idea! Oh gosh, I do so many clumsy things that sometimes it’s hard to keep track of them. Haha. Once I almost walked into a rolled up carpet sticking out of the back of a truck. I know, not proud of myself.

  2. Ameena

    June 11, 2011 at 9:58 am

    I slammed into a door yesterday and now have a giant bruise on my thigh. I wish this was something unusual for me but no…I am far too clumsy, far too often!


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