Tag Archives: bonjour pastry cafe

Elmo and Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day or Happy Monday to those who don’t really care for it 😀

I had such a good weekend…lots of good food, hanging out with friends etc.

Sunday was “Elmo’s” Birthday! (actual day is this Wednesday)

I present you: Food porn!

Sort of Primal-approved food that I ate:

baked tomatoes - my friend made it

cocktail shrimps - minus the cocktail sauce

spring mix salad with green grapes and tuna - I had at least 4 bowls of this!

Ribs - too much glaze - only had one

Non Primal approved

Chocolate Birthday cake from Bonjour French Pastry..SOOO FREAKING GOOD! Even for non sweet tooth person like me could binge on this if I didn’t have self control. It was very light.

One piece was good enough..thank goodness!
Probably because I had “pumpkin pie” as breakfast 😀

Nah, it was TJ full fat greek yogurt with yam sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice..but it tastes like eating pumpkin pie

I know I mentioned K and I didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. But I made these for us earlier

sliced banana covered with 100% chocolate topped with Craisin

The bitter taste of melted chocolate balanced well with the sweetness from the banana and Craisins. Love is a mixture of bitter and sweet right? 😀 I wasn’t planning on making these today, so I’d say it was a spontaneous Valentine’s chocolate.

How was your weekend?

Btw the flu didn’t get to me at all and I got rid of it completely. But unfortunately, today someone at work is sick again…*sigh* Seems like I’ll be always inhaling germs in the office. And to top it off, we’ll have rain coming later this week. The weather here has fluctuate a lot. I know it’s nothing to those who’s experiencing snow, but having the temperature fluctuate from spring to sudden winter is no fun.

Have a good week!


Posted by on February 14, 2011 in food, life


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