Elmo and Valentine

14 Feb

Happy Valentine’s Day or Happy Monday to those who don’t really care for it 😀

I had such a good weekend…lots of good food, hanging out with friends etc.

Sunday was “Elmo’s” Birthday! (actual day is this Wednesday)

I present you: Food porn!

Sort of Primal-approved food that I ate:

baked tomatoes - my friend made it

cocktail shrimps - minus the cocktail sauce

spring mix salad with green grapes and tuna - I had at least 4 bowls of this!

Ribs - too much glaze - only had one

Non Primal approved

Chocolate Birthday cake from Bonjour French Pastry..SOOO FREAKING GOOD! Even for non sweet tooth person like me could binge on this if I didn’t have self control. It was very light.

One piece was good enough..thank goodness!
Probably because I had “pumpkin pie” as breakfast 😀

Nah, it was TJ full fat greek yogurt with yam sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice..but it tastes like eating pumpkin pie

I know I mentioned K and I didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. But I made these for us earlier

sliced banana covered with 100% chocolate topped with Craisin

The bitter taste of melted chocolate balanced well with the sweetness from the banana and Craisins. Love is a mixture of bitter and sweet right? 😀 I wasn’t planning on making these today, so I’d say it was a spontaneous Valentine’s chocolate.

How was your weekend?

Btw the flu didn’t get to me at all and I got rid of it completely. But unfortunately, today someone at work is sick again…*sigh* Seems like I’ll be always inhaling germs in the office. And to top it off, we’ll have rain coming later this week. The weather here has fluctuate a lot. I know it’s nothing to those who’s experiencing snow, but having the temperature fluctuate from spring to sudden winter is no fun.

Have a good week!


Posted by on February 14, 2011 in food, life


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5 responses to “Elmo and Valentine

  1. Ameena

    February 16, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    Baked tomatoes…I love tomatoes!

    And yes the germs are only going to get 10 X worse as the rain continues on and on…

  2. leashieloo

    February 15, 2011 at 4:16 pm

    Omg, that shrimp platter is my favorite thing ever. I would eat them all! And probably that cake too…mmm, cake.

  3. Kath (My Funny Little Life)

    February 15, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    Mmmmmmmmmm, I could into that shrimps plate directly! 😀

    Glad you had a nice weekend and didn’t get ill! 🙂

  4. LeQuan

    February 15, 2011 at 10:24 am

    Ooh, look at all that food. I could seriously devour that whole plate of shrimp. Try to stay healthy and away from those germy people at work. Those bananas sound yummy. My kiddies would love those, as would I.

  5. sophia

    February 15, 2011 at 12:32 am

    It sounds like a great weekend! 🙂
    The baked tomatoes are darling…did they have cheese inside?


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