Tag Archives: fast food

When It’s Time to Back Off A Bit

I took a whole day off from working out yesterday because my lower back was still feeling sore from that 300 squats challenge and I think I’d do the same for today as well…and maybe the next day and the day after. It seems like my lower back pain will linger a bit longer than I expected. Usually after a hard workout, I’d feel sore a little bit here and there but it didn’t last as long. Today, my lower back pain is still a bit too much and I even feel painful when I try to bend over – though not that bad if I just do it slowly.

So I’ll listen to my body and give it the rest that it needs. I rather be completely recovered than injured myself further. It’s pretty challenging for me to just take one complete day off from workout, let alone not exercising for 2-3 days or more! But I’ll try my best – fingers crossed.

Ok enough with boring and painful stuff, how about we moved to the food? Don’t you wonder what I ate?

2 beef patties with left over baked mixed veggies from last night dinner, served with a cup of loose leaf tea (and I drank more than just one cup every morning) – I’d say I’m a total tea addict.

During breakfast, Hubby K and I decided to go to a movie theater to watch Bridesmaids. When checking the local show time, we knew we won’t have much time to prepare lunch so we kept it simple. Good thing I started steaming the Citrus and Spice Marinated Chicken when I was having my breakfast so it finished by lunch time. I kept the veggie dish super simple steamed green beans with cauliflower, sprinkled with pepper and slathered with some butter.

We drove off to the movie theater, which was located inside a mall. Boy, the mall and the theater were totally deserted! Hubby K and I are not a big fan of going to a movie theater, because of the high ticket price. But since we got bargained priced tickets, it was ok. Besides, another good excuse for us to have a little date. The movie was pretty funny and enjoyable. Go watch it if you haven’t šŸ™‚

After we got back home, I literally didn’t have to cook anything since we still had left over from lunch. I was craving for some fruits so I washed some strawberries and cherries.

You’d think dinner was pretty much taken care of? Not for Hubby K as he was craving for something else.

He drove off to the nearest Jack-in-the Box for his dinner. I tagged along just so I could that the pics and watching him eating to accompany him. And yes, he finished everything that you see in that pic.

Afterward he told me he was feeling guilty of eating those and felt sick of the grease. Oh well….And what’s my dinner? Well my dinner = my lunch, literally speaking.

After I finished dinner, we were watching Red Riding Hood as our movie night. The story was ok, totally different from the original story though. I won’t spoil you much more, go watch it when you get a chance.

Just a simple baked Japanese sweet potato with lots of loose leaf tea.

Since I couldn’t do any exercise, I had to distract my mind doing something else other than sitting around. So I experimented a different technique making Egg Loaf Frittata.
This time, I beat the yolks and the whites separately. When I was separating them, one of the yolk fell into the whites. Good thing I could saved it without contaminating the whites. Just a tiny trace of egg yolk will prevent the egg white to reach its peak when beaten.
So here’s what I did to make “Chiffon” Egg Frittata
6 eggs – separate the yolk and the white (best when eggs are cold)
Shredded chicken meat from Citrus and Spice Baked Chicken
3 stalks of green onions – chopped
1 shallot – minced
1 tomato- diced
1 tsp celery salt
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut flour
1 tsp black pepper

1. Wait until the eggs are in room temperature. First beat the yolks in high speed using hand mixer until they turned pale yellow and smooth. Lower the mixer speed, add in the coconut milk in steady stream. Continue beating, and add in the coconut flour until everything incorporates

2. Turn off the hand mixer – mixed in the rest of the ingredients – set aside

3. Use a whisk attachment, beat the egg white in lower speed and gradually increase it until the egg white turned white and stiff.

4. Fold in the stiffed egg white into the egg yolk mixture. Do not over mix.

5. Grease 9″x5″ loaf pan with coconut oil – pour in the batter and bake for about 40-45 minutes with 350Ā°F or until the center is cooked (insert toothpick to check)

Here’s my lunch!

Ok now I gotta do something to distract my mind.

Have a great day!


Posted by on June 1, 2011 in food, life


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