Who’s the Champion?

11 Feb

I’ve been feeling weird lately ever since last Sunday.

Yes, I’m still sniffing, with some runny nose once a while, a little headache and a bit of scratchy throat. However, I don’t have a fever, body aching, nor coughing. It might be a sign that my body is still fighting hard to ward off the germs out from my body?

We’ll see who’s the champion in the end.

Anyway, yesterday I received Chobani’s newest product that I won from their giveaway: Chobani Champions – Greek yogurt for the kids! πŸ˜€

Two flavors: Very Berry and Honey Nana (3 packages) – Woot!

I tried Very Berry today after lunch and it was actually pretty good. At first I was expecting the berry pieces would be under the yogurt but it wasn’t. They were mixed already. It was a bit sweet for my taste but overall it’s a pretty good protein snack on the go πŸ™‚

Thank you Chobani for the package! πŸ˜€ It surely took a while to arrive, probably because of the weather.

Anyway, I will bring some for my friend G, who’ll be hosting a party for her 3 year old son’s birthday and D (her sister) this coming Sunday. She just had another baby last month. In Chinese tradition, after a baby is one month old, the parents usually having some kind of celebration called “Red Egg party(please correct me if it’s wrong). But G and her hubby didn’t have time to host a party. Instead, they gave us a package contained: sticky rice, BBQ chicken leg and 2 red eggs.

I tried a little bit of the sticky rice and mostly I just ate the eggs as part of my breakfast.

Any plans for this coming Valentine’s Day weekend? Do you celebrate Valentine?
K and I won’t be doing anything special. Even when we were still dating, we didn’t celebrate V-day either. It’s kinda lame in some ways but think it this way: why do you need a special day just to say how much you care to that other person? It could be any other day, right? Yeah I know I’m lame. πŸ˜› Besides I rather avoid the restaurant crowds on V-day and have my own home cooked meals πŸ˜€

Sorry for the short post, I gotta hit the bed early to prepare myself to this “torture” tomorrow:



Posted by on February 11, 2011 in free samples, life, workout performance


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7 responses to “Who’s the Champion?

  1. lequan

    February 12, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Hope you feel better soon, Jos. Hubby and I used to celebrate valentines day when we first dated, then eventually we stopped, even after we first got married. Then after having kids we started celebrating it again because it’s not often you get to sit down to enjoy nice meal without your kids. So we take advantage of every excuse possible ;-).

  2. Kath (My Funny Little Life)

    February 12, 2011 at 10:11 am

    Poor you! I hope you’ll feel better soon!

    Valentine Day, I have to admit, is something I rather boykott. Well, I ignore it. I think I’ll have a nice evening with a glass of wine and some reading on my own.

  3. leashieloo

    February 12, 2011 at 9:04 am

    Congrats on your win! What an awesome prize! For Valentine’s Day, I think I’m going to go to dinner with my boyfriend and maybe bake him a cake.

    • Jos

      February 12, 2011 at 2:19 pm

      Sounds like a plan. Have fun πŸ™‚

  4. Hayley

    February 12, 2011 at 6:42 am

    I’ve never really cared much about Valentines. Its such a commercial holiday and it is so hyped up that it takes away from any part of it being special. Like, no matter what you decide to do, it is going to become a huge expensive unnecessary thing with all the benefits going to Hallmark and the flower industry. That wasn’t meant to be a rant, just the way I see things…because even with that being said, I’m still a girly girl and I like to be appreciated and to have my guy do nice things for me on Valentine’s. But I also appreciate it just as much every other day of the year. Haha Im probably not making a lot of sense.

    • Jos

      February 12, 2011 at 2:19 pm

      You totally nailed the points there about V-day πŸ™‚


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