Category Archives: free samples

Who’s the Champion?

I’ve been feeling weird lately ever since last Sunday.

Yes, I’m still sniffing, with some runny nose once a while, a little headache and a bit of scratchy throat. However, I don’t have a fever, body aching, nor coughing. It might be a sign that my body is still fighting hard to ward off the germs out from my body?

We’ll see who’s the champion in the end.

Anyway, yesterday I received Chobani’s newest product that I won from their giveaway: Chobani Champions – Greek yogurt for the kids! 😀

Two flavors: Very Berry and Honey Nana (3 packages) – Woot!

I tried Very Berry today after lunch and it was actually pretty good. At first I was expecting the berry pieces would be under the yogurt but it wasn’t. They were mixed already. It was a bit sweet for my taste but overall it’s a pretty good protein snack on the go 🙂

Thank you Chobani for the package! 😀 It surely took a while to arrive, probably because of the weather.

Anyway, I will bring some for my friend G, who’ll be hosting a party for her 3 year old son’s birthday and D (her sister) this coming Sunday. She just had another baby last month. In Chinese tradition, after a baby is one month old, the parents usually having some kind of celebration called “Red Egg party(please correct me if it’s wrong). But G and her hubby didn’t have time to host a party. Instead, they gave us a package contained: sticky rice, BBQ chicken leg and 2 red eggs.

I tried a little bit of the sticky rice and mostly I just ate the eggs as part of my breakfast.

Any plans for this coming Valentine’s Day weekend? Do you celebrate Valentine?
K and I won’t be doing anything special. Even when we were still dating, we didn’t celebrate V-day either. It’s kinda lame in some ways but think it this way: why do you need a special day just to say how much you care to that other person? It could be any other day, right? Yeah I know I’m lame. 😛 Besides I rather avoid the restaurant crowds on V-day and have my own home cooked meals 😀

Sorry for the short post, I gotta hit the bed early to prepare myself to this “torture” tomorrow:



Posted by on February 11, 2011 in free samples, life, workout performance


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Friday Ramblings and Chimichurri Sauce

TGIF everyone! I’m so glad the week is OVER and weekend is finally here!

Btw, remember the Chimichurri sauce I made last time? My salmon turned out GREAT!

Baked Salmon (or other fish) with Chimichurri Sauce (adapted from The Food Lovers’ Primal Palate)
1-2 Tbsp Avocado Oil
3-4 garlic cloves
Handful of fresh Italian parsley
Dash of salt
Dash of ground black pepper
1/2 tsp chili powder
Freshly squeezed lemon juice (3 lemons)

1. Mash garlic and parsley in your food processor (I used my mortar and pestle since the amount is not a lot and I didn’t feel like washing my food processor)
2. Mix everything and refrigerate until you’re ready to bake the fish.

3. Line the salmon steak on the baking dish (I pre-seasoned the salmon steak with some salt before)
4. Pour the Chimichurri sauce over the salmon

5. Bake in 350°F for about 25-30 minutes


I had extra sauce so I used it to bake the Star Butter Fish as well. Delish!

Yesterday I had some stomach indigestion *ugh* after devoured the whole package of this:

Don’t get me wrong! Artisana Coconut Butter WAS SO YUMMY that I couldn’t stop myself. I was driving home and was kinda hungry and this thing popped in my head. So without hesitant, I just scarfed down the whole thing. One bite, two bites and I was like “to heck with it, I’ll just finish the whole thing!”

Since it was in a cooler temperature, the texture was kinda chalky. It might be better to melt it a bit so it’ll be more like a spread. But it melted once I put it in my mouth. I guess now I learn not to indulge it all at once or my stomach won’t be happy. No more indigestion. Good thing I didn’t barf.

Have a good weekend!

Btw there’s $50 iHerb shopping spree giveaway!


Posted by on January 28, 2011 in food, free samples, recipe, review


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